Hydrography of the Wadden Sea: movements and properties of water and particulate matter / Final report on Hydrography of the Wadden Sea Working Group, Report nr. 2
Flora and vegetation of the Wadden Sea / Final report of the section Marine Botany of the Wadden Sea Working Group, Report nr. 3
Flora and vegetation of the Wadden Sea islands and coastal areas / Final report of the section Flora and vegetation of the islands of the Wadden Sea Working Group, Report nr. 9
Engels / bijlage bij object nr. 8658
Marine mammals of the Wadden Sea / Final report of the section Marine Mammals of the Wadden Sea Working Group, report nr. 7
Ökosystem Wattenmeer / Austausch-, transport- und stoffumwandlungsporzesse / The Wadden Sea Ecosystem / Exchange, transport and transformation processes
Duits, samenvattingen in Engels
Rapport van de Waddenzeecommissie / Advies inzake de principiële mogelijkheden en de voor- en nadelen van inpolderingen in de Waddenzee
samenvatting in Engels, Duits, bijlagen 4 kaartbladen (bijlagen 1-5 meegebonden in rapport)
Residual currents and mixing in the Wadden Sea / NIOZ BEWON nr. 12
Engels, bijlage 1 stellingenblad
De eenheid van milieu en organismen in de Waddenzee: een overzicht / Werkgroep Waddengebied Mededeling nr. 4
Nature conservation, nature management and physical planning in the Wadden Sea area / Final report of the section Physical planning and nature management of the Wadden Sea Working Group, Report nr. 11
Geomorphology of the Wadden Sea area / Final report of the section Geomorphology of the Wadden Sea Working Group, report nr. 1
Terrestrial and freshwater fauna of the Wadden Sea area / Final report of the section Geomorphology of the Wadden Sea Working Group, report nr. 10
Invertebrates of the Wadden Sea / Final report of the section Marine Zoology of the Wadden Sea Working Group, report nr. 4