Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / deel 7 / Critical revisions of families of Agarics and Boleti occurring in the Netherlands
Veldgids paddenstoelen 2 / Bekerzwammen, Buikzwammen, Gaatjeszwammen, Kernzwammen, Knotszwammen, Koraalzwammen, Korstzwammen, Stekelzwammen en Trilzwammen
Veldgids paddenstoelen / Plaatjeszwammen en boleten
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 3 / A. General part, B. Taxonomic part: Tricholomataceae
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 4 / A. General part, B. Taxonomic part: Strophariaceae, Tricholomataceae (3)
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 5 / A. General part, B. Taxonomic part: Agaricaceae
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 6 / A. General part, B. Taxonomic part: Coprinaceae, Bolbitiaceae
Handbuch für Pilzfreunde / deel 3 / Blätterpilze, Hellblättler und Leistlinge
Handbuch für Pilzfreunde / deel 4 / Blätterpilze, Dunkelblättler
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 1 / A. General part, B. Special part: Entolomataceae
Flora Agaricina Neerlandica / Critical monographs on families of agarics and boleti occurring in the Netherlands / deel 2 / A. General part, B. Taxonomic part: Pleurotaceae, Pluteaceae, Tricholomataceae